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Top 5 Storage Idea Solutions to Consider Adding to Your Laundry Room to Remove the Mess - House to Home Solutions, LLC

Written by Daniel Carrero | Sep 26, 2022 11:07:41 PM

There are so many storage ideas and solutions to consider adding to your laundry room. After all, clutter and piles of clothes can add stress and frustration to even the sanest of people. Although you may have a large laundry room, there are organization ideas for small laundry rooms if space is an issue.

Wall-Mount Baskets for Hanging Clean Garments

Wall-mounting baskets can be a great way to keep clean clothes off the floor and out of piles. It’s much easier to find what you want without having to rummage through a pile on the floor or look in a basket full of dirty clothes. You can mount these baskets on the wall above your washer, dryer, or other appliances. This helps keep them away from any potential water spills or leaks that could damage them. You can also use these hooks as a place to store hangers so they’re off the ground and easy to reach when it’s time to hang up new shirts or pants.

Pullout Laundry Hamper

A pullout hamper is one of the most convenient ways to store dirty laundry. This type of hamper is usually attached to the back of a door or wall with a sturdy metal frame around it. The frame pulls out when you need it, allowing you to easily access the dirty clothes inside without having to dig through a pile of dirty clothes on the floor or step over them every time you walk into the room.

Dedicated Ironing Board Storage

One of the best ways to make sure you have everything you need for ironing is to have a dedicated place for your ironing board and supplies. This helps keep everything together so that you do not have to keep fishing through drawers or cabinets when you want an item. If you do not want to dedicate a full wall or cabinet shelf just for this purpose, consider using one of these wall mount options that allows you to hang your ironing board up when not in use without taking up too much space in your laundry room. This option also helps keep dust off the board when not being used, so it does not collect any stray lint or debris while stored away from time to time.

Floor-to-ceiling Cabinetry

This cabinetry gives you plenty of room for folded clothes and other items that need to be stored. You can also use this type of cabinet in other areas of your home, such as the kitchen or garage if you need additional storage space there too.

Rolling Workbench Integrated With Washer and Dryer

Having this type of workbench in your laundry room makes it easy to fold clothes while they’re still damp from washing them. You’ll also have a place to lay out your folded items before putting them away or loading them into drawers, so they’re ready for use when needed again later on down the road.

Whether you have a small utility room or even a large laundry room with cabinets and drawers, you can create a storage spot for every part of your laundry system. The key is to look around your home and identify the space you have available and then find storage solutions that are stackable, and that will fit in the area.